Become a Councillor

This section provides some basic information on the role of community and town councils and how to become a councillor. 
One Voice Wales is keen to encourage greater participation in local democracy and most people are familiar with the idea of voting in general or local elections. However, for a vote to be held you need to have more candidates than there are seats to fill and so it is also very important for individuals to come forward to stand for election. Below are links to four leaflets providing more information on becoming a councillor. These should provide you with all the basic information you need.

Be a Local Councillor in 2017
A guide to community and town councils and the role of community and town councillors

What are community and town councils?
This leaflet describes what community and town councils do.
Being a councillor
This leaflet describes what councillors do and the time it takes up.
Am I Qualified?
Most people are, but this leaflet provides the details.
How to become a councillor
Ok- so now you know all the basics, this leaflet sets out how the election process works and what you need to do to become a candidate. Good luck!